Learning & Testing

Student Placement

Students who would like to use a 博天堂官方 provided placement should email Testing Services. All correspondence should include full name, student ID number, and which placement tool you are interested in completing (e.g. Math, Writing, or both). Please see Testing Services for hours and other information.

Your Placement and Course Options


Writing Placement

Score 090: WR 090 (The Write Course)

Score 095: WR 095 (College Writing Fundamentals)

Score 115: WR 115 (Intro to College Writing) OR *WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP (Accelerated Learning Program)

Score 121: WR 121 (English Composition)

*Requires one hour of WR 121 followed immediately by one hour of WR 115. Allows student to skip WR 115 as a separate course and progress more quickly.

WritePlacer with Next Generation Reading (Beginning 1/11/2019)

Score 1-3: with any Reading score 200-300
WR 90 (The Write Course)

Score 4 or 5: with Reading score 200-236
WR 95 (College Writing Fundamentals)

Score 4 or 5: with Reading score 237-255
WR 95 (College Writing Fundamentals) OR *WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP (Accelerated Learning Program) Allows students to skip WR 95 as a separate course and progress more quickly.

Score 4: with Reading score of 256-300
WR 115 (Introduction to Writing) OR *WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP (Accelerated Learning Program) Allows students to skip WR 95 as a separate course and progress more quickly.

Score 5: with Reading score of 256-272
WR 115 (Introduction to Writing) OR *WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP (Accelerated Learning Program) Allows students to skip WR 95 as a separate course and progress more quickly.

Score 5: with Reading score of 273-300 WR 121 (English Composition)

Score 6-8:  with any Reading score 200-300
WR 121 (English Composition)

WritePlacer with Classic Reading (before 1/12/2019)

Score 1-3: with any Reading score 20-120
WR 90 (The Write Course)

Score 4 or 5: with Reading score 20-54
WR 95 (College Writing Fundamentals)

Score 4 or 5: with Reading score 55-83
WR 95 (College Writing Fundamentals) OR *WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP
(Accelerated Learning Program) Allows students to skip WR 95 as a separate course and progress more quickly.

Score 4: with Reading score of 84-120
WR 115 (Introduction to Writing) OR *WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP
(Accelerated Learning Program)

Score 5: with Reading score of 84-94
WR 115 (Introduction to Writing) OR * WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP
(Accelerated Learning Program)

Score 5: with Reading score of 95-120
WR 121 (English Composition)

Score 6-8: with any Reading score 20-120
WR 121 (English Composition).

*Requires one hour of WR 121 followed immediately by one hour of WR 115.

Accuplacer Writing (Sentence Skills)

Score: 0-30
Meet with an advisor or the New Student Center to select an appropriate first-term course load. 

Score: 31-68
WR 90 (The Write Course) Requires reading placement score of 55 or above 

Score: 69-79
WR 95 (College Writing Fundamentals) OR WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP (Accelerated Learning Program)

*Requires one hour of WR 121 followed immediately by one hour of WR 115. Allows student to skip WR 95 as a separate course and progress more quickly. 

Score: 80-94
WR 115 (Introduction to Writing) OR WR 121 ALP/WR 115 ALP (Accelerated Learning Program)

*Requires 1 hour of WR 121 followed immediately by 1 hour of WR 115. Allows students to skip WR 115 as a separate course and progress more quickly.

Score 95-120
WR 121 (English Composition)

Smarter Balance Score

Score: 3 or 4 -- WR 121 (English Composition)

To document Smarter Balance scores as a placement score, students can bring in proof of scores to the New Student Center or Admissions.


Level 3 (or 165, honors) -- WR 121 (English Composition)


Math classes that are a good fit based on your ALEKS scores

This is a general guide. Check with an advisor to see which math class or pathway your program needs. We also have math specialists to help advise you on which math class to take. Drop by the Math Café located in the Learning Center or email math@free-real-estate-listings.com.

View guide as a table || View guide as a flow chart

ALEKS scores 0-13: 

  • MTH 50 Number Sense and Critical Thinking
  • MTH 98 Foundations for Contemporary Math*

ALEKS scores 14-29: 

  • MTH 75 Variables and Linear Equations
  • MTH 98 Foundations for Contemporary Math*
  • MTH 105z Math in Society and MTH 005 Co-req support**

ALEKS scores 30-45: 

  • MTH 95 Intermediate Algebra
  • MTH 105z Math in Society

ALEKS scores 46-59: 

  • MTH 111z Precalculus I: Functions
  • MTH 105z Math in Society
  • MTH 211 Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics I
  • STAT 243z  Elementary Statistics I***

ALEKS scores 60-74: 

  • MTH 112z Precalculus II: Trigonometry
  • MTH 241 Calculus for Business, Management and Social Sciences
  • MTH 245 Math for Business, Management and Social Science

ALEKS scores 75-100: 

  • MTH 251 Differential Calculus

* MTH 98 is only for degrees that require MTH 105z and NOT MTH 111z (check with advisor)
** MTH 105z can be taken with the corequisite course MTH 005 for students that do not meet the prerequisite. See the student advising guide to MTH 005 for more information.
*** STAT 243z does not meet the computational requirement for AS degrees.

Accuplacer Math: Elementary Algebra

Score 20-38
MTH 50 Number Sense and Critical Thinking
MTH 98 Foundations for Contemporary Math*

Score 39-67
MTH 75 Variables and Linear Equations
MTH 98 Foundations for Contemporary Math*
MTH 105z Math in Society and MTH 005 Co-req support**

Score 68-76: 
MTH 95 Intermediate Algebra
MTH 105z Math in Society

Score 77-120: 
See College Level Math scores below for placement

* MTH 98 is only for degrees that require MTH 105z and NOT MTH 111z (check with advisor)
** MTH 105z can be taken with the corequisite course MTH 005 for students that do not meet the prerequisite. See the student advising guide to MTH 005 for more information.

Accuplacer Math: College Level Math

Score 20-35:
MTH 95 Intermediate Algebra
MTH 105z Math in Society

Score 36-58: 
MTH 111z Precalculus I: Function
MTH 105z Math in Society
MTH 211 Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics I
STAT 243z Elementary Statistics I***

Score 59-79: 
MTH 112z Precalculus II: Trigonometry
STAT 243z Elementary Statistics I***
MTH 241 Calculus for B/M/SS
MTH 245 Math for B/M/SS

Score 80-120:
MTH 251 Differential Calculus

*** STAT 243z does not meet the computational requirement for AS degrees.

Smarter Balance Score

Score: 3 -- MTH 111z (Precalculus I: Functions) OR MTH 105z (Math in Society)

Score: 4 -- MTH 112z (Precalculus II: Trigonometry) OR MTH 241 (Calculus for Business/Math/Social Science)

To document Smarter Balance scores as a placement score, students can bring in proof of scores to the New Student Center or Admissions.


Level 3 (or 165, honors) -- MTH 111z (Precalculus I: Functions)